大リーグ、マリナーズイチロー選手、レッドソックス松坂選手やドジャース松井選手の活躍で、130インチのハイビジョンスクリーンのあるカフェ「Net’s C@fe(ネッツカフェ)」(伊勢市小木町、TEL 0596-36-0266)の客層に変化が出てきている。
Net’s C@fe Sees Incline in Customers Due to Baseball
Net’s C@fe in Kougicho, Ise-city is attracting more male customers in recent months since they began showing more Major League Baseball games. Because more Japanese players have been participating in games at the US Major League level, screening such games have become more and more popular with Japanese fans. At Net’s C@fe, customers can watch MLB games on their 130 inch screen while enjoying meals, soft drinks, and desserts. Until now, the majority of Net’s C@fe’s customers have been women in their 20’s and 30’s. However, with this recent trend, Net’s C@fe expects to attract a much wider range of customers. Net’s C@fe is open from 8:00 to 22:00 everyday. However, they are closed every 2nd and 4th Monday. For more information, contact Net’s C@fe at 0596-36-0266.(英訳:ホワイト・パイン・イングリッシュ・スクール)